
At FIRST Ortho, we know how important it is to make orthodontic care as accessible and straightforward as possible and this includes our approach to fees.

We prioritise openness and transparency, which is why we make sure that we fully inform every patient about the cost of their treatment from the very beginning.
No hidden charges or surprises

You’ll find no hidden charges or surprises with FIRST Ortho. Once we’ve assessed your individual needs and discussed your treatment options, we’ll give you a detailed treatment plan which clearly itemises every cost.

This plan includes everything from the price of your initial consultation and orthodontic devices to any follow-up visits and necessary aftercare.

Come and talk to us

We can answer any questions you might have about your treatment costs, your payment options and any financial arrangements you may need to make. We want to make sure you’re comfortable with the investment you’re making in your oral health and that you understand exactly what you’re paying for.

Our goal is to make your journey to a better smile as smooth, affordable and transparent as possible. We value your trust in us and we’re committed to maintaining your trust through clear and honest communication about every aspect of your treatment and that includes your costs.

Child and Teens: Low Complexity, Per Arch
  • £500 per arch on Brace Fitting
  • £200 Interest Free Monthly Payments for Remainder
Adults: Low Complexity, Per Arch
  • £700 per arch on Brace Fitting
  • £200 Interest Free Monthly Payments for Remainder
Advanced Complexity Orthodontics, Per Arch
  • £700 per arch on Brace Fitting
  • £200 Interest Free Monthly Payments for Remainder
All Packages Include
  • Consultation with £90 cashback
  • X-rays
  • 3D Scans
  • Diagnostics and Treatment Plan
  • Design & Fit of Braces
  • Interest Free Monthly Payments
  • Removable Retainers
  • Ancillary Healthcare of Gums, Periodontal Tissues, and TMJ
Variational Fees for Extras
  • Ceramic appliance: £650 per arch
  • Damon appliance: £650 per arch
  • Quadhelix Appliance: £650
  • Incognito: from £2300 per arch
  • Invisalign: £1200 - £4400 [Subject to Full Assessment]
  • Whitening Gel: £65 per syringe
  • Fixed Retainers: £270 each
  • Removable Retainers: From £115 each

Contact Us

If you have a question or would like to book a consultation, please contact us in the best way that suits you.

Our Practices
102-104 Queens Road
Buckhurst Hill

26 Clarence Avenue
Gants Hill
Ilford, IG2 6JH

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