Gum Care Post Orthodontics

This is a reminder page for clients who have come to FIRST Ortho and been demonstrated how to monitor gum health.


Success is Long Term Oral Health

Success at FIRST Ortho is defined as a stable end result and good oral health 5, 10, 15 and 20+ years following orthodontics. This is page is to be used as a reminder for clients who have come to FIRST Ortho and have been given in-house advice &demonstration on how to look after their gums by Dr Mahesh Patel or Dr Jay Patel.

BACKGROUND: All gums recede in time due to gum disease or overbrushing. From an evolutionary aspect gums, and teeth are designed to last 30-40 years. Getting the right balance between over brushing and under brushing is the key.

1. What We Demonstrate

  1. Gum disease almost always starts between the teeth. There is a quick, easy and painless way to check.
  2. Bleeding gums are the first sign of gum disease! However, this is reversible.
Gum Margins 'looks' okay
Gum Margins Appear Alright
Use of Orange Tepe Easy Pics
Gums are Bleeding: A Problem to Solve!

2. What is our Advice?

  1. After brushing your teeth, use Orange Tepe Easy Pics to check between the teeth.
  2. Do not force them. In most patients will they will not go between the upper front teeth until they are older.
  3. If there is bleeding, this is a sign of gum disease. To reverse this, use Curasept Gel twice a day until the gum stops bleeding – plus another 3 days.
  4. Applied the gel to BOTH sides of the teeth with a toothbrush. Push more gel eased through using the Tepe Easy Pick.
  5. Use Tepe Brushes for larger spaces.
  6. Certain teeth are more predisposed to interdental bleeding e.g. first molars, canines, restorations ending near gums.
Gum Margins Appear Alright
Use of Orange Tepe Easy Pics
Gums are Bleeding: A Problem to Solve!

3. How often?

  1. Only during gum bleeding – to be carried out twice a day.
  2. Most patients can tail off to alternate days, twice a week or occasionally once a week. If the gums were to start bleeding every third day this would indicate cleaning interdentally every alternate day. Find the right balance suitable for you.

4. Which Brushes Should I Use?

Most patients will over brush the teeth. This is because the main message is ‘brush your teeth’  or they want whiter cleaner teeth or use of hard electric brushes or use hard manuel brushes.

Our message is: ‘Be kind to your gums’. This is very important for the lower front teeth, which in many cases have thin gums.

    1. Baby brushes age 0-3 are the softest and good for the lower front teeth from Sainsbury or Tesco. Cost was £1.
    2. Infant brushes age 3-5, are very good.
    3. Tepe soft brushes.
Thin Gums Need Extra Care to Minimise Recession
Before Treatment
Looking Better, but Long Term Care is Still Needed

5. The danger of over brushing?

Damage to the to the gums is one of the most difficult treatments in dentistry. Images below may not look a lot but to see this in the early 30’s is a major problem! If we did not advise where would this be in another 10 years?!
Trauma to teeth and gums
Marked recession with over brushing
Marked damage to teeth near gum level

6. What about Electric Brushes?

  1. My favoured is Phillips Sonicare, as it is the most gentle. Use it like a hovercraft, barely touching the gums. See more info HERE
  2. If using a Braun/Oral B brush – use a sensitive head.
  3. Note the sensor on the brushes is an average – it may be too high for you.
  4. There is no electric brush that gets to the important area between the teeth.

Its ALL ABOUT BALANCE. If you occasionally get gum bleeding, I think this is better than over brushing as gum recession is harder to correct.

7. Success, is long-term oral health
7 years post Orthodontics
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