Ceramic Braces

Is the appearance of a brace a factor for your treatment? These clear ceramic appliances may just be the answer.


Introduction to Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are more discreet in appearance than their metal counterparts. This is due to the material blending in with the colour of a client’s teeth. Although ceramic braces are more expensive than metal due to the materials involved – they are equally effective.

Despite the difference in material, ceramic braces are utilised in the same way as traditional metal braces – they gradually align your teeth so that over time you see a straight and harmonious smile emerging.

Ceramic braces are very popular among adults and older teenagers who want a more desire a more discreet treatment. For other discreet solutions, take a look at the clear Invisalign aligners, or the invisible Incognito brace.

See For Yourself!

Contact Us

We understand that choosing an Orthodontist is a major decision, so we offer new patients a 60-minute consultation to discuss what you are looking for, and how we could possibly help you.

Our Practices
102-104 Queens Road
Buckhurst Hill

26 Clarence Avenue
Gants Hill
Ilford, IG2 6JH

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