
Deep Bite

Treatment Time: 23 Months
Brace: Metal and Functional
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**Transformative Orthodontic Success: A Life-Changing Journey with Alessandro**

Challenges like this present themselves in isolation. One such remarkable story unfolded when Alessandro, came to our care at the age of 14. He faced a myriad of dental issues, including missing, malformed, and damaged teeth exacerbated by a deep bite. The underdevelopment of his lower jaw contributed significantly to these complications.

Our approach involved employing a functional appliance to alter the ‘fit’ of the teeth and fixed braces to refine their positioning. Alessandro’s exceptional compliance, coupled with unwavering support from his mother, played a pivotal role in achieving the remarkable results we showcase today.

The treatment also included delicate and precise composite bonding. Dr. Denise Walters-Payne, crafted an excellent zirconia etch bridge to address the missing tooth.

The final transformation has stood the test of time, holding up well even five years post-treatment, up to 2023. Such interventions can be truly life-enhancing, particularly for individuals growing and developing through the critical transition from teenage years to adulthood.

On a professional level, choosing orthodontics as our career has proven to be a good decision. Achievements like Alessandro’s transformation reaffirm the impact our work can have on a personal level, making our commitment to orthodontics deeply gratifying. Alessandro and clients like him, leave an enduring impact in my mind.

53006 Mahesh Patel Copyright©

Treatment Time: 12 Months
Brace: Metal

A beautiful example of our long term management and long term care of our patients.

This lovely lady completed orthodontics in 1994 and returned 25 years later for minor corrective treatment, which others found difficult to manage. A small space due to gum recession was improved with composite bonding.

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