Crooked Teeth Incognito

Treatment Time: 12 Months
Brace: Incognito
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This gentleman expressed dissatisfaction with his teeth due to their crooked position, color, and shape.

Given his frequent international travel and involvement in high-value business negotiations, the appearance of the brace and treatment duration were crucial considerations. Choosing the discreet Incognito brace, he completed the treatment in just under 12 months. The transformation is striking. Addressing deformities and discoloration in his upper two teeth, we utilized composite bonding and cosmetic contouring for improvement.

This case serves as an excellent example of correcting crowding and cross-bite issues. The client’s exceptional compliance played a significant role in achieving the desired results efficiently. Opting for Invisalign would have posed challenges in meeting the timeline and achieving the precise and outstanding outcome, especially concerning the interlocking of teeth for a comfortable bite. The inconvenience of removing aligners for business lunches and dinners would have been an additional drawback.

The end result is teeth that appear natural, pleasing, and balanced from all angles within the contours of his facial structure.

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